Another social gathering? Yes, let me bring this to you all..
the most recent social gathering i join is KCCCGD* (Kelompok Cewek Cowok Cakep Gitu Deh), rough translation of it would be "Party of Gorgeous Boys and Girls". No comment on the name please, since this is a free country where people have so called freedom of expression, thus this name frankly describes those who join it. Thanks to Abdurrahman a.k.a. A'Bedur a.k.a. Kyai James.
So what is it about this new social gathering?
Well, it started some time ago when some of us come with the idea of keeping in touch with our friends, since we're no longer seeing each other as much as we were back then in college. After some talks we decided to have a monthly social gathering mostly in Jakarta and move to other city where the members work every 6 months. For example beside those who live in Jakarta and around, there are members who work in Banjarmasin, Tarakan, Kupang, Makassar, Kendari, and other cities. The gathering will be around Jakarta for 5 months then on the 6th month move to one of the cities mentioned before, so basically it is also a call for a group vacation.
Recently we just had our first social gathering event, with 9 out of 19 members attending (A'Bedur,
Rima, Yoga,
Niko, Harun, Akmal,
Nila and I). Our first gathering took place in Kota Tua, at a place well known for the ice cream,
Es Krim Ragusa. Here we share some stories and have our first winners: Titis and Arrisa. Frankly speaking the foods there weren't really satisfactory but the ice cream are still good.
KCCCGD rendezvous at RagusaContinuing the story of our gathering, we decided to give a pleasure to our desire of performing so we hop on to the next destination: Inulvizta Sarinah, but then again due to the overcrowded we didn't get a room. Unable to stop the growing desire of singing and others, we then gave a call to Inulvizta Atrium Senen to see if they have a room. This time we were lucky and not just that, we could directly jump in and sing! Too bad Harun couldn't join us.. We spent 2 full hours singing, dancing, and making fun of the songs.
Well to wrap it up, that night was great, despite the rain and traffic jam that made most of us late for the gathering, all of us were really enjoying the moments of togetherness.
Can't wait to meet you up again guys!