Monday, June 13, 2011

Here Comes The Bride

At this time of the year most of us probably receive a stack of nicely designed letters, beautifully engraved in smooth and thick papers, sometimes with pictures, and sometimes (well, most of the times) also comes via internet. Yes ladies and gentlemen, you're thinking what i think, those are Wedding Invitation.

so beautiful right? they might be your future invitation

The consequence of receiving these many invitations is a lot. The down-side is that you might not be able to come to every single wedding party, especially when it takes you to fly to another island, even though you want it so bad. The up-side is that if you manage to come to these parties, it become an opportunity to do a brief-traveling all across the places you haven't visit before. Plus you got the chance to meet your friends whom you might not meet in quite sometimes.

What i like from a wedding party is the essence of the party itself which is to share the joy and happiness and gratitude to everyone, in return, all the attention and happiness and everything are also dedicated to the bride and groom (well,mostly for the bride), so basically everyone is happy.

Aside from that, I personally think marriage life will be a lot different with single life, or life with parents and siblings. Not that i have personally experience that, but you can simply tell by seeing those who already married. I don’t have problems with people getting married, in fact i want to get married, a bit later though. I am truly happy seeing my friends happy but then again my question would be: does happiness caused by marriage? For some people maybe it does, meanwhile for the others it doesn’t. But then again who am i to measure one’s happiness.

Maybe after all it's the wedding party that make people happy at the first place..


  1. interesting post mbak", one i can really relate to... got stacks of invitations that I, sadly, can't attend to. As happiness is subjective, so is the neccessity for marriage. But some say it's what makes their life complete... when's your turn";)

  2. i do believe that happiness is subjective dear, so is the urge to get married..
    i'm still in the line, waiting for my time to be ready..
    till then i'll enjoy what comes in my life and be grateful for that :D

  3. Yup Happiness is subjective, hehehe, coba ada pintu kemana aja, pasti gw bisa nyelinap pas malam pertama penganten. Aahaha :D
